• 0727396805; 0740868084
  • office@impactsanatate.ro

About Us

About us


HEALTH IMPACT SRL provides services for Health Impact Assessment (HIA) and helps to obtain the approval to build / operate an investment objective. Dr. Chirilă Ioan has over 15 years of experience in the field, within the National Institute of Public Health - RCoPH Iași, he elaborated over 2000 HIA studies and offers consultancy to the beneficiaries.

What are the areas of activity for which we develop studies?

The fields of activity are varied: from individual or collective housing, households, health and education units, commercial or service units (shops, public food, laundry or car service, workshops, etc.) to farms, slaughterhouses, cereal deposits, wastewater treatment plants, waste deposits, incinerators, fuel deposits, wind farms, etc., according to the current legislation. .

Why choose us?

15 years of experience

Our specialists have over 15 years experience in the field of HIA, at local, regional and national level - over 2000 studies elaborated for various objectives. (Dr. Chirilă Ioan )


Due to the quality services provided, we have very good relations with all public health authorities, contributing indirectly to a legal, fast and efficient solution of the requests.


We propose the appropriate measures in order to comply with the health legislation. Thus, the client is assured that he will adopt the most efficient measures from the technical and economic point of view.


We treat each request with good will and find the right ways for effective communication throughout the course of the study.


We offer quality services at optimum time and at an advantageous rate.